Three Harts Farm, Plymouth, MA
It was a nice afternoon in Plymouth, down at the Three Harts Farm, where they Grow Opportunities for Veterans. Thank you Chris Hart for inviting me down to meet the veterans during Farm-ily day. I really appreciate all of your support, and all you do for our returning veterans!
Lakeville Fire Department’s Open House
Received a warm reception at the Lakeville Fire Department’s Open House. It was great speaking to Fire Chief Michael O’Brien, the firefighters, volunteers and residents. This was such a nice community event to raise awareness on Fire Safety. I commend you all on your fine work!
Fall Brunch in Support of Alyson Sullivan for State Rep
Had a wonderful time at the Fall Brunch in support of Alyson Sullivan’s campaign for State Rep. It was great to catch up with Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and to meet a lot of Alyson’s supporters. Special thanks to Mike and Terry Sullivan for the invitation to attend and speak. Just 2 weeks left-Let’s keep the momentum going!
Team Cruz- Standouts 10/19
Team Cruz, working hard with 3 standouts today. Great visibility and response in Abington, Middleboro and East Bridgewater. Thank you to all our volunteers, the support is greatly appreciated!
Fall Reception- The Ridge Club
Awesome night down at The Ridge Club. Thank you DA Mike OKeefe and DA Jon Blodgett for hosting this fabulous event. Special Thanks to the great #4 Bobby Orr for stopping by the event, I appreciate your support!
Hanover Fire Department’s Touch a Truck
A great turnout for Hanover Firefighters 7th Annual Touch a Truck in honor of CW3 Scott Landis, who tragically lost his life in August. There are a lot of trucks on display from various agencies and a lot of great activities for the kids. Its heartwarming to see that the Blackhawk helicopter was able to make an appearance today at this event. The Landis family continues to remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Hanson Fire Department Open House
Stopped by the Hanson Fire Department’s Open House this morning. It was a nice turnout despite the weather. A lot of activities and information for the entire family. It was great to see everyone!
Team Cruz- October 12
Friday Night Lights: Thank you Middleboro, Pembroke and Whitman for all the beeps and waves! It was a great response around the county, Go Team Cruz!
Public Safety Luncheon for Seniors-Barretts West Bridgewater
Great turnout for the Plymouth County TRIAD Annual Public Safety Luncheon today. One of 9 active TRIADs in the county, we continue to work side by side with our seniors so that they are protected and informed on the issues affecting them.
Dedication of the Honorable Charles W. Mann Bridge, Hanson, MA
The Hon. Charles W. Mann Bridge was dedicated on the Hanover/Hanson line this morning. A fitting tribute to Mr. Mann for the decades that he devoted to public service here in Plymouth County and the Commonwealth.